Parent Corner
Guidelines, Policies & Instructions
- The Registration Fee is non refundable. Registration is not a guarantee for admission. Admission will be subject to availability of seats on a first come first served basis and also when all necessary requirements are met with; and it is at the sole discretion of the school management.
- Registration Form has to be duly signed by both the parents. In case of non availability of either of the parent in town, a letter of approval has to be attached along with the form by the parent not signing the form.
- Incomplete Registration Forms will be rejected and not considered for admission.
- Please note that no overwriting is allowed on the form and in case there is any, please strike off and write neatly and put full signature on the correction carried out.
- Parents have to provide complete information pertaining to the child and their family. In case of any health problems–psychological or physical, it is the school’s right to know and the parent’s duty to inform before hand, at the time of registration itself. Separate sheets may be attached along with the Registration Forms if required.
- At the time of registration, the following documents are required:
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of Last Report Card
- Copy of the Transfer and Bonafide Certificate from previous school
- Copy of Aadhaar Card.
- If selected, the first quarter fees at the time of admission has to be paid w.e.f. June of the given academic session. Parents may please be informed that even if it is a mid-term admission at any point of time in the year, fee will be payable w.e.f. June. There shall be no exemption in this regard, as admission is considered for the particular academic year which begins from June.
- Withdrawal policy in respect of new admissions before commencement of session in June: If the parents decide to withdraw the admission once after the admission is sealed, then only the refundable security deposit will be refunded, rest of the amount will be forfeited.
- Separated /Estranged Parents:
In case of separation, the school shall give cognizance only to court orders. Valid legal documents have to be furnished at the time of registration regarding custody rights of the child.
- Guardianship Rights:
In case a child/ children has/have to stay with their guardian/s, then a consent letter from both parents with valid proof of parenthood has to be submitted at the time of registration in order to give due cognizance to guardian’s signature or role. In case the child does not have parents, then legal proof of guardianship will be required.
- It may please be noted that concealing any fact or falsification of documents or distorted information is an offence and will lead to immediate termination of admission.
- In case of foreign nationals, the following documents need to be submitted at the time of registration:
- Copy of Residence Proof
- Copy of Passport
- Copy of Student Visa
- A letter from the embassy stating the details of the child’s parents/guardian explaining under whose custody the child will be in.
- School Timings:- Ambitus World School is a Day Boarding School for students from CEY to Grade X from 8.15 am to 3.15 pm (Please note that timings are subject to change at the sole discretion of the school.)
- Day Boarding (Optional) from Play Group to Grade X:- Ambitus gives an option for Dining Facility in school (It provides a light breakfast,three course lunch and fresh fruit juice in the evening.remove from other sentence in this point).
- Fee Policy:
Parents are hereby informed that in order to meet the rising expenses every year in terms of salaries, infrastructural needs and overall development of the school, there will be a nominal hike in fee of up to 10-15% every year. In case of any government order like Pay Commission recommendations for increase in teacher’s pay etc, the school reserves the right to implement the same hike accordingly in school fee as well.
- Transport Policy:
Bus service is voluntary and on a first come first served basis. Routes of the school buses are drawn up carefully after due consideration. However, the decision of the school authorities will be final on issues related to routing, timing, pick-up point etc. Parents should contact the school Transport In-charge for necessary details. Parents wanting to avail bus facility have to fill up the Transport Requisition form available at the reception. Students are not allowed to change the bus routes at any circumstances. In case of a change of residential address/bus stop/change in route, kindly intimate the school in writing. Please note that the school may take one month’s time for any such change/implementation. Parents / Guardians are requested to carry the school’s authorization I-Card issued, at the pick-up and drop points everyday for security reasons.
- School Dues:
School dues are payable quarterly by the 5th of the first month of the quarter. If the 5th of the month in which the school dues are to be paid happens to be a holiday, then the payment is to be made by the previous working day of the month. The school may, at its discretion send an email or a letter before the due date; but delay in receipt of the same, should not be taken as an excuse for delay in payment of fee. The onus of timely payment of fees lies with the parent. Parents are to contact the fee counter for details of fee. Parents are requested to make all payments by draft/cheque drawn in favour of FUTURISTIC EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. Cash transactions are not permitted.
- Bank Charges:
All bank charges pertaining to inward remittance of school fee, if any, shall be debited to student’s account. In the event of cheque / draft return, a sum of Rs.500/- shall be debited to the student’s account. This shall be over and above the amount of the cheque along with late fee charges if due, and the payment shall be accepted only by Banker’s cheque / Pay Order/Demand Draft.
- Late Fee:
School fee is to be paid before the 5th of the first month of the respective quarter. In the event of late deposit of fee surcharge shall be charged:
- From 6th to 15th a fine of Rs.100/- (Rupees Hundred) per day will be charged.
- From the 16th to 30th a fine of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred) per day will be charged.
- If the fee is not paid by the 30th of a given month the name of the student will be removed from the School Nominal Rolland all the dues shall be forfeited from the security deposit and re-admission may be allowed only on the discretion of the management
- No student whose fee remains unpaid in full or in part will be allowed to sit for a school examination and until the outstanding fee is received no internal examination results, reports, Transfer Certificates or recommendations to future schools / colleges will be issued to the student or parent.
- Fee Schedule:
5th June (1st Quarter) 5th September(2nd Quarter) 5th December (3rd Quarter)
- Withdrawal:
- Parents wanting to withdraw their child from the school must give at least three (3) calendar months’ notice in writing before the commencement of the new quarter and before discontinuation from school, or the school will forfeit the fees for the equivalent period.
- Such notice should be given in writing, addressed to the Principal. No cognizance will be given to verbal intimations or information shared with the Class Teachers or any school authorities in course of a meeting. Therefore parents are requested to avoid stating instances of previous unofficial verbal information or informal notes.
- In case of withdrawal, fee pertaining to the quarter falling in the notice period shall be payable by the student.
- If the school expels a student for behavioral issues, the fee will be charged for the quarter in which the withdrawal takes place and the security deposit will be forfeited.
- In the event of withdrawal without notice, the same shall be forfeited from the security deposit of the student.
- Prospectus/ Annual/ Composite fee/Tuition Fee are non- refundable.
- Security Deposit:
- Every student getting admitted into the school needs to pay a Security Deposit as laid down by the school management from time to time. This deposit is non-interest bearing and is refundable upon the student passing out/leaving the school.
- Security Deposit shall be refunded only on submitting the original receipt.
- The Security Deposit shall be refunded after 60 days of withdrawal/ passing out of the student after adjusting unpaid dues if any and subject to clearance of form being duly completed by the parent from various departments like the library, bookstore, uniform store, sports, NCC etc.
- Legal disputes, if any, shall be settled only in the courts having their jurisdiction in Hyderabad.
- No donation policy:
Ambitus is a NO DONATION SCHOOL. It strictly forbids parents or visitors giving any gift in cash or kind or any other favour which may tantamount to donation, to any teacher or staff member, in the interest of their ward/s’ admission or care-taking. Disciplinary and legal action shall be initiated in such cases.
- Use of derogatory comments whether verbal or written, indirect objectionable insinuations tantamount to sarcasm about any school authority, obscene remarks or gestures, violent body language are strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary and legal action will be taken and the child is liable to be suspended/ withdrawn from school. Parents are prohibited from creating derogatory web groups and chat rooms. No information regarding the school, its infrastructure, logos, database of students are to be passed on to any person or organization. No parent is permitted to infringe, pass on or use the school name, trademark, logo or acronym to any organization, association, website, email or such other entities or communication without the formal written permission of the school.
It’s a school that will host nature in 81% of space, and concrete in the rest 19%. It’s a school where a glance from the window will only go to the greens, and not the greys.
Come let your child learn from the lap of nature…
to go higher, to go places.
Parent Tips
1. Recognize The Gift:

Being a parent is the greatest gift of God. It is invaluable & incomparable to any other. Every experience is a treasure for life. It throws out abundant joys & perennial happiness. One has to be ever grateful for being gifted. Such an attitude of gratitude molds oneself to uphold the responsibility of being a parent very successfully. Yours shall be an inspiration for millions of others.
2. Give Them 'True' Love:

People misunderstand that loving their children is to cater to whatever they ask for. If you get them everything they ask for, it is stupidity. Isn’t it? When you are loving, you can do just whatever is needed. When you truly love someone, you are willing to be unpopular and still do what is best for them.
3. Be a Role Model:

What parents want their children to be & what parents stand for should be intertwined & not the opposite ever. Parents should practice what they direct. Walking the talk is the key. Children who find the role model in their parent are very lucky.
4. Let Them Be Free:

Allowing children full independence facilitates them to explore what best they can be. They should be encouraged to KNOW MORE by questioning. The best gift that parents can give their children is – The Art Of Questioning. By learning to raise the right questions at the right time in the right manner & with the right person, children develop a great degree of awareness. Just by dumping them with info is of little value.
5. Nourish Their Natural Spirits:

Parents become great by spending quality time with kids which is to build their self confidence & encouraging them to share their mind without any fear or hesitation. By doing so, children will be inspired to be creative & innovative.
6. Expand Their Boundaries:

Let children know what they don’t know but in the way they love to know. Story telling does magic. It connects children & parents very much emotionally. It makes an impact much more than a gift & it is the best gift which expands the boundaries of the thinking patterns of the children.
7. Make Them Taste Life:

What is life? This is the toughest question. Neither parents can answer in total. Children are more curious to know about- what life is & what is in store for them. Sharing about your childhood memories will help them taste what life is. It should always be a point that falling is normal but getting up is most important.
8. Make Them Future Ready:

Parents should not force children to do what they missed or dreamt doing in their lives but should facilitate children to be future ready. Parents should keep themselves updated about the futuristic trends & create facilities accordingly. One important thing to be kept in mind is that children are for the future and not for the past.
9. Positivity Prevails:

There shall be a gap between dreams & reality. Yet, parents have to be always positive about the bright future of their children. Children who are fed with positive parenting grow beyond the dreams of their parents. If one particular way doesn’t work well for them, they will be able to create a much better way. So, be positive always.